Climate Policy in the US and Japan: Bios


Feb. 12, 2004 to Feb. 13, 2004

Event Series


Climate Policy in the U.S. and Japan                                                                     Speaker's Biographical Information, Presentations, and Papers


Toshiko Chiba, Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Workshop Presentation: Towards a Sustainable City
Relevant Paper: Environmental Policy and Programs on Mitigating GHG Emissions


A. Denny Ellerman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr. Ellerman is a Senior Lecturer with the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he also serves as the Executive Director of Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research and of the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change. His former employment included Charles River Associates, the National Coal Association, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the U.S. Executive Office of the President. He served as President of the International Association for Energy Economics for 1990. Dr. Ellerman received his undergraduate education at Princeton University and his Ph.D. in Political Economy and Government from Harvard University. His current research interests focus on emissions trading, climate change policy, and the economics of fuel choice, especially concerning coal and natural gas.

Workshop Presentation: The McCain-Lieberman Proposal
Relevant Paper: Emissions Trading to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the United States: The McCain-Lieberman Proposal


Jason S. Grumet, Executive Director, National Commission on Energy Policy
Jason Grumet was appointed Executive Director of the National Commission on Energy Policy in January 2002. In this capacity, Jason helped design the organization, recruit Commission members and open the Commission’s office in Washington D.C. Jason presently oversees the Commission’s strategic direction, technical analysis, policy development and public outreach.
Supported by a nine member staff, the Commission plans to release final policy recommendations in early 2005. Prior to joining the Commission, Jason served as Executive Director of Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM). NESCAUM is an association of the air quality agencies in the eight Northeast states. During his seven-year tenure at NESCAUM, Jason played a leading role in several prominent regional initiatives including Northeast State efforts to address the long range transport from coal-fired utilities and the adoption of clean car requirements in the Northeast. He received a B.A. in Environmental Studies from Brown University and a J.D. from Harvard University.

Workshop Presentation: The National Commission on Energy Policy


Ned Helme, Executive Director, Center for Clean Air Policy
Ned Helme, Executive Director of the Center for Clean Air Policy, has over 20 years of experience working in the energy and environment field. He is a leading authority on the use of market mechanisms as cost-effective and efficient tools for meeting environmental goals. Mr. Helme is involved in the political and policy arena at the state, national and international levels. He directs the Center's "Dialogue on Future International Actions to Address Global Climate Change" and is involved in a range of other international and domestic efforts to advance climate change policy including activities in a variety of U.S. states.

Workshop Presentation:

State Leadership in US Climate Change Policy
Relevant Papers:  State and Local Climate Change Policy Actions  and Local Leadership on Transportation and Climate Change 


Dale Heydlauff, Senior Vice President, Governmental & Environmental Affairs, American Electric Power Service Corporation
Dale E. Heydlauff became senior vice president – governmental & environmental affairs for American Electric Power Service Corporation in 2002 following two years as senior vice president – environmental affairs and nine years as vice president - environmental affairs. Heydlauff is responsible for providing management direction on several aspects of corporate external relations, including: oversight of the company’s 11 state offices, which provide community, customer and government relations services; supervision of the company’s Washington office; development and implementation of overall corporate environmental policies and goals; management of energy and environmental policy analysis; and for developing and implementing environmental stewardship initiatives.
Prior to these positions, Heydlauff served for three years as director - federal affairs in the company’s Washington office. Before that, Heydlauff spent 10 years in government affairs in a variety of positions. He served on the government relations staff of General Motors Corp. from 1978-1980, as a legislative assistant for former Congressman Carl D. Pursell (R-MI) from 1980-1982, as the deputy director of the State of Illinois Washington Office for former Gov. James R. Thompson (R-IL) from 1982-1984, and in private practice for two separate Washington law firms (Craft & Richards; Van Ness, Feldman, Sutcliffe & Curtis) specializing in energy, environmental, transportation and tax issues from 1985-1988. Heydlauff received a B.S. in political science in 1978 from Eastern Michigan University and completed an executive MBA course from the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Virginia in 1997.

Workshop Presentation: Climate Change in the US and Japan


Tae Yong Jung, Senior Research Fellow, The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan Executive Director, Council on Energy and Environment Korea (CEEK), Korea
Dr. Jung received his Ph.D. in Economics from Rutgers University. He spent seven years at Korea Energy Economics Institute, before he joined IGES. While he was in Korea, he has been a member of several government committees on energy and environment. His research areas are energy and environmental modeling. He has special interest in economic development and environmental concerns. He was a lead author of IPCC Special Report on Emission Scenario (SRES). He has been a visiting fellow at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory of US, Economic Research Institute of Kyoto University, and National Institute for Environmental Studies of Japan. He joined IGES from 1999 as a senior research fellow for the Climate Policy Project. From 2003, he has been an executive director of Council on Energy and Environment Korea (CEEK).


Ray Kopp, Senior Fellow, Resources for the Future


Dina Kruger, U.S., Chief, Non-CO2 Gases & Sequestration Branch, US Environmental Protection Agency
Dina Kruger is chief of the Non-CO2 Gases and Sequestration Branch within EPA's Office of Air and Radiation in Washington, DC. She is responsible for EPA's voluntary programs to reduce emissions of methane and high-GWP gases. She also manages EPA's analytical work on economics and emission inventories for the non-CO2 gases and carbon sequestration, as well as dealing with geologic carbon storage and aerosols. Ms. Kruger is serving her second term as a member of the IPCC's Task Force Bureau on National Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories. She played key roles in recent IPCC reports on greenhouse gas inventories as well as serving as a coordinating lead author on the IPCC's Special Report on Technology Transfer. She received her Bachelor's degree from the University of Washington and a Master's degree from the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California at Berkeley. Ms. Kruger has worked at EPA since 1989 and prior to that worked at the US Congress Office of Technology Assessment and in consulting.

Workshop Presentation:

The Role of "Other Gases" in Addressing Climate Change


Toshihiko Masui, Senior Researcher, Social and Environmental Systems Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
He received his Doctoral degree in Environmental Engineering from Osaka University in 1997. He has worked at NIES since 1998. He is now in charge of constructing AIM (Asia-Pacific Integrated Model), one of the integrated assessment models for climate policy. Since 2000, he has been associate professor at Department of Social Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology. Detailed information on our modelling activity is represented at the following web site;

Workshop Presentation: Carbon Tax, Carbon Reduction Potential, and Economic Impact in Japan
Relevant Paper: Carbon Tax, Carbon Reduction Potential, and Economic Impact in Japan: Application of AIM


Dick Morgenstern, Senior Fellow, Resources for the Future


Hidenori Niizawa, Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Kobe University of Commerce
Ph.D. Engineering, Osaka University Research area: Environmental Economics, Kyoto Protocol, Emissions Trading, Land Use Control

Workshop Presentation: Climate Change Policy Development in Japan


Yuko Nishida, Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Workshop Presentation: Towards a Sustainable City
Relevant Paper: Environmental Policy and Programs on Mitigating GHG Emissions


Shuzo Nishioka, Climate Policy Project Leader, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
Professor Shuzo Nishioka is Executive Director of the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan (NIES) as well as Project leader (Climate Policy) of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategy (IGES). He also serves as a member of the Environment project of Science and Technology Council of Japan, and of Cen

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