Measuring Returns on Investment in Conservation

In this webinar, James Boyd, senior fellow and director of RFF's Center for the Management of Ecological Wealth, describes frameworks being developed by researchers at RFF and partners like The Nature Conservancy for assessing "conservation return on investment (ROI)" and for identifying limits to ingenuity as a means of enhancing performance toward environmental goals.


Jan. 15, 2014


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In the face of escalating environmental challenges and diminished budgets, today’s agencies, conservancies, and natural resource managers are often being asked to do more with less. Key to progress and success under these conditions are approaches that enable environmental leaders and managers to better focus, target, and prioritize action. Yet the factors at play are complex—biological and ecological, as well as economic and social—requiring innovation and strategy that span several disciplines.

In response, researchers at Resources for the Future are working with the conservation community to develop and test planning and management approaches that emphasize specific and tangible biophysical and societal outcomes, rather than just actions or inputs. In this webinar, James Boyd, senior fellow and director of RFF's Center for the Management of Ecological Wealth, describes new frameworks being developed by researchers at RFF and partners like The Nature Conservancy for assessing "conservation return on investment (ROI)" and for identifying limits to ingenuity as a means of enhancing performance toward environmental goals.

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