How Can Scientists Work with Decisionmakers to Understand How Satellite Data Really Influences Decisions?

A VALUABLES webinar examining how scientists and decisionmakers can improve their engagement to inform decisions and increase the value of satellite information


Oct. 31, 2022


10:00–11:00 a.m. ET

Event Series


Event Details

Satellite information can empower people to make timely decisions that benefit society, including decisions about where and how to allocate humanitarian resources before a natural disaster strikes. Earth scientists who are eager to conduct solutions-oriented work typically need to engage with decisionmakers to gain a clear understanding of how decisions are made and how scientific information influences those decisions.

On Monday, October 31, Resources for the Future’s VALUABLES Consortium hosted a webinar discussion on this topic. We highlighted new work that identifies how scientists and decisionmakers in the humanitarian sector can better structure their engagement to inform decisions and increase the value of satellite information. Our speakers discussed a case study about using satellite information to support decisions on anticipatory action before a disaster. Together, we reflected on how scientists and other researchers can work with people on the ground to better understand the choices these decisionmakers face and how Earth observations fit into those decisions.


  • Andrew Kruczkiewicz, Columbia University
  • Richard Bernknopf, University of New Mexico
  • Humberto Vergara, University of Oklahoma
  • Carolynne Hultquist, University of Canterbury
  • Yusuke Kuwayama, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Moderator)
  • Bethany Mabee, Resources for the Future (Moderator)

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