Using Better Data to Understand the Impacts of Extreme Weather

Introducing the RFF Data Commons

This year, Americans have faced tornados and cyclones, wildfires and smoke, and extreme heat. Now hurricane season is upon us, with the potential to be even more destructive than before.

Communities across our country have long faced weather volatility, but climate change has exacerbated its severity and impacts. As communities and leaders grapple with and make decisions on how to mitigate the damage caused by extreme weather and climate change, accessible and objective data is needed—data that RFF can provide.

Earlier this year, in partnership with Google, we launched RFF Data Commons. As part of Google Data Commons, RFF’s tools combine data from a wide range of sources into a unified database, enabling users to easily review local data and trends related to extreme weather and climate change.

These visualizations help make some of the most complicated and challenging climate issues clear and accessible, ensuring that community leaders and policymakers have what they need to make smart, informed decisions.

While we all experience the effects of extreme weather, we don’t always agree on how best to move forward. The easily accessible, objective data that RFF provides—free of charge—can help bring our leaders and communities together.

Your support makes efforts like this possible. Thanks to donors like you, RFF’s data work contributes to better policy decisions and a healthier environment. Will you support us again this year?

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