Marketplace: “The Biden Administration is Investing in Hydrogen Hubs, but Roadblocks Remain”

RFF Fellow Aaron Bergman offers commentary in a segment athat was broadcast on NPR's Marketplace Morning Report.

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Oct. 24, 2023

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The promise of hydrogen fuel is that it could cut emissions in industries like trucking and manufacturing that have proven most difficult to decarbonize. It’s a lot of pressure for an industry that’s barely off the ground.

“The new uses of hydrogen that we hope to see are still in their infancy,” said Aaron Bergman, a fellow with the think tank Resources for the Future.

The main thing holding hydrogen fuel back is its cost, he said. “Unless there’s additional incentive to sort of bridge this price difference between fossil fuels and hydrogen, there’s very little reason to use hydrogen right now.”

The new hubs, Bergman added, will look for more cost-effective ways to produce hydrogen fuel and federal incentives will help create a market for it.

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