Assessing State Goals and Challenges under EPA’s Clean Power Plan
This was the first event in a joint EPRI–RFF series on EPA’s Clean Power Plan: Exploring Opportunities for Collaboration and Compliance.

Seminar co-hosted by Resources for the Future (RFF) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Since the release of EPA’s Clean Power Plan in early June, state policymakers have been assessing how the proposed rule will impact their unique state and regional circumstances. At this seminar, research experts and state regulators will explore several challenges to implementing the rule, including whether rate-based emissions targets should be converted to mass-based targets and, if so, how; whether credit can be or should be given for states that have already taken early action on low-carbon energy programs; and how these challenges might differ by region, among others.
This was the first event in a joint EPRI–RFF series on EPA’s Clean Power Plan: Exploring Opportunities for Collaboration and Compliance.
12:45 p.m. | Opening Remarks
12:55 p.m. | Assessing State Goals and Challenges under EPA's Clean Power Plan
1:10 p.m. | Opportunities and Challenges: A Review of State and Regional Perspectives
Moderated by:
2:00 p.m. | Discussion and Q&A |
2:30 p.m. | Adjourn |