Audit of US Coal Tax Credit Set to Expire in 2021 Underway by Federal Watchdog

S&P Global cites the work of RFF researchers Brian Prest and Alan Krupnick extensively in a story about refined coal.

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Jan. 12, 2021

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S&P Global

"Resources for the Future researchers Brian Prest and Alan Krupnick published a study concluding that "the emissions reductions from refined coal achieved in the field fall short of the targets for tax credit eligibility." They said this suggests companies claiming the credit may be in technical compliance by meeting laboratory test criteria while violating the spirit of the law.

'Once you get out into the field, a lot of things go on," Prest said in an interview. 'It turns out, from our analysis, that these emissions are not meeting the requirements to earn the tax credit.'

The researchers, who said they were recently interviewed by the GAO, estimated the credit's cost was more than seven times larger than its benefits."


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