Bloomberg: "'No Brainer' Methane Rule Touts New EPA Approach to Carbon Costs"

This article, which cites RFF research and Fellow Brian Prest's expertise, discusses the EPA's recently proposed methane rule and the newly estimated social cost of carbon that it uses.

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Nov. 17, 2022

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The $190 a ton carbon cost estimate is close to the figure recommended in September by the Resources for the Future think tank following a multi-year study.

“Their report draws very heavily on our work,” Brian Prest, director of RFF’s Social Cost of Carbon Initiative, said in an interview. EPA’s new approach also draws significantly from other recent work, including modeling done by the Climate Impact Lab.

The updated approach “is fully responsive” to various recommendations by the National Academies, and its efforts to make its analysis transparent “represents an important step forward for transparency and open science,” Prest wrote in a Nov. 15 blog post co-authored by RFF fellow Kevin Rennert.

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